Friday, March 16, 2007
Ten Cholesterol Lowering Food Tips
Cholesterol lowering food in combination with a healthy fit lifestyle has been proven over and over again to be one of the most effective ways of lowering cholesterol naturally.
More people than ever before have high cholesterol even with millions of dollars being spent each year to try and educate people on this problem.
Unfortunately, instead of focusing on such things as cholesterol lowering food the emphasis for dealing with this health problem has been on 'statin' drugs. Drugs are never a good idea and when it comes to the 'statins' it's even worse.
So, how can you lower cholesterol naturally without taking risky prescription medication?
As mentioned above using your diet to lower cholesterol with the help of cholesterol lowering food is a very good place to start.
There are of course other ways of lowering cholesterol naturally such as adding cholesterol lowering vitamins to your health regime, making exercise an important part of your life, etc. but in this article we'll stick with cholesterol lowering food and food additives.
Before going any further it's important that you understand the difference between LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. You always hear these terms repeated on the news but what's the difference between them?
In simplest terms HDL cholesterol is healthy for you. You body needs it. On the other hand LDL cholesterol is the bad guy. LDL helps to cause heart disease by allowing cholesterol to build up in your arteries.
Read the 10 Cholesterol Lowering Food Tips
Read more Lower Cholesterol Levels Articles
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